
Beginning September 1, 2013, payments for October membership dues renewals will be accepted online. Club officers: log in to www.toastmasters.org/clubcentral. Enter your user name and personal password. The due date for this renewal period is October 1, 2013.
  • Once logged in, click on the club name and number for which you are paying dues (middle of page).
  • Under the heading Conduct Club Business click on Pay dues (center of page).
  • Once on this page, simply select the option of “in the future.” This will pull up all orders with a future membership end-date.
  • Select the members you wish to pay for and follow the prompts to submit payment.
Some important notes regarding membership payment processing:
  • There must be a minimum of six members paying dues and three must be renewing.
  • Renewals can be submitted online, by mail or by fax.
  • We do not advise submitting renewals by email as it is not secure.
  • If paying by check, you can print the list with the renewing members indicated and mail it, along with payment, to Toastmasters International. Checks must be made payable to Toastmasters International.
With 14,350 clubs paying dues online, we encourage you to pay early and avoid any system slowness due to heavy activity.